Contact Us
P.O. Box 8171 Anaheim, CA 92812
We do our best to assist the community & all of their requests and inquiries. We appreciate your time and do our best to get back to everyone we can, but please note that we receive dozens of emails & requests daily and sometimes this proves an impossible feat. There is a single volunteer manning our emails who also works a full time job. Due to overwhelming demand, PLEASE READ the following steps and provide this information in your email in order to receive a response. This is the only way that we are able to remain organized and respond effeciently.
Please see our Adoption page for our application and proper steps on adopting.
If you are requesting help with an animal in need, we do work hard to respond to each inquiry with guidance and direction when we cannot assist ourselves. We deeply apologize on days that this is simply not possible. To request help, please be sure to include as much information as possible and include photos & any prior vetting. Also note that we are a special needs and critical case rescue and we encourage those with non critical cases to reach out to other local shelters & rescues for assistance as well.
Information needed when requesting help:
​-Description of assistance needed
-Description of animal, including age
-Medical history / records
-Video ESPECIALLY in special needs cases
-Length of time had
-Date found
-Description of care requires
*WE ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED TO NEW INTAKE* (intake closures never apply to to adoption returns of any pets previously adopted out by our organization). You are still welcome to provide information so that, if able, we can help to network.
***Whilst continuing to focus on special needs animals, please note that due to the physical limitations, we are at capacity for paralyzed or incontinent pets for the unforeseeable future. However, we are always happy to provide advice & guidance on their care***​
Thank you for your time and patience as we do our very best to keep up whilst consisting of an entirely volunteer based team. We look forward to working with you and assisting our community the best that we can!
Disclaimer: @meganandtherescues on TikTok cannot be reached through this email. This is the Wonky Heart's Animal Haven organization email.